Colour Theory & Practice
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Index of Colour Topics
Books on Colour: My picks for best books from the point of view of colour perception, physics, light, measurement, pigments, painting, psychology, language, and health:
A Bibliography of Colour: Selected Readings.
Colour in Web Design: An article based on advice I gave a while back on a web design list. I recently found it in the archives and thought it was still useful and informative. Colour Choices on Web Pages: Contrast vs Readability.
Materials of Colour, or Pigments: My most recent article is a Robinson Crusoe story, with the main character attempting to manufacture painting materials, particularly colours. In the first issue of Pan magazine, it is called The Quest for Colour: An Island Journal. Colour Perception: an article dealing with a little-known visual mechanism for perceiving colour:
"Thank You, Captain Kangaroo!"